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03/02/2007:"Fauxhemian Rhapsody"
I'm either going to have to start doing things I think about doing or stop thinking altogether. Another few inches added to the height of my "Wish I'd Done That" pile: The Burg. Wired Magazine referred to it as "Friends for the MySpace set" in a recent article, but that really doesn't do it justice. It's at just the right spot in a bunch of curves. It's funny and self-aware without being condescending, snarky, or "too hip to get". It's somewhere between TV and YouTube. It's short, and short is the new, uh, long...or something. Anyway, as they put it: "Weve made this original series for the Internet. Its filmed in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It features our friends and the bands we like. Weve got a mild case of ADD so episodes are anywhere from 1 minute to 15 minutes long. Yes. 15 minutes. We know thats insane. But we think youll like it because at least its not re-packaged broadcast TV or home videos of skateboarding dogs being kicked in the balls." The clip on the left is Episode 101 (the first full episode): "Cred". In a master stroke of "meta", Episode102 is called "MySpace". And yes, they have a MySpace page. I just put them in myTop 8.