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02/17/2007:"How To Invade Boston For Under $200.00"
As an American of mostly British descent, I've often wondered what America might be like if the British had won. Well maybe it's time for another tea party. Given the effectiveness of Lite-Brites in shutting down Boston, I imagine a full-scale invasion could be accomplished with about two-hundred bucks worth of toys: the Snap Circuits RC Rover and the Elenco OWI-8606 Turbo 3000 for ground forces, the Snap Circuits Fyling Saucer for aerial recon, and the Elenco MR-1007 QuadroBotz Kit and Elenco MR-1004 Hydrazoid Kit for alien-invasion Psych-Ops. Throw in the Zero Blaster Opaque Silver for crowd control and the Snap Circuits Space Battle and the DangerBomb Clock for general mayhem and you've got a party!