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02/03/2007:"Where's Johnny Cochran When You Need Him?"
It was tragic enough that Elmo and Mr Incredible got themselves arrested a couple of years ago, but now Chewbacca's in trouble too. I wonder if he'll use the Chewbacca Defense (YouTube link*)? I don't know if it will help. As you can see on the left, Elmo and Mr Incredible were beheaded for their actions, their disembodied heads left brazenly on the hood of a cop car for all to see. My only question is: Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor in L.A.?
(That YouTube link that may be gone soon because of Viacom's ruthless takedown demands. Wikipedia entry here, if you've never heard of the Chewbacca defense)